Being an individual who is from Hispanic decent it is a custom to celebrate our rite of passage by having a Quinceanera. Traditionally a quinceanera is when the fifteen year old girl is presented to the community as a young lady. It is also when the girl goes to mass to give her thanks to god for the life she has and then there may be a small celebration with her loved ones after. This day serves as the beginning of the young lady’s rest of her life with the ability to wear makeup, date, and go out on her own.
These days’ quinceaneras have become more sophisticated and expensive. They have added the seven chambelanes and seven lamas to represent the girls past fourteen years of life. They added the last doll dressed in an elaborate gown that is a replica of the quinceanera’s. Then there is the switch from flat shoes to high heels. The quinceanera is also to wear a tiara and is given an elegant jewelry set. All of this can be seen at the over the top parties that are now thrown which are usually at a hall that is extensively decorated.
Because I am 100% Mexican most people would think I had a quinceanera. Well the truth is I didn’t follow through with this custom. It is not because I wasn’t given the opportunity but because I never saw it as an importance. I for one don’t like having parties where all the attention would be around you. Secondly I am not a very religious person where I would go to mass. Instead my twin sister and I had gone to vacation in Cancun. We thought the money was used more wisely this way because we got to learn more about one of the most tropical places. We learned the history behind the natives who lived in Cancun and more. The way I see it, party or not at the age fifteen I was still considered a young adult so why not use the money towards something I find more rewarding.
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